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Would you like to apply for a job in one of the companies within the Oikopolis Group, such as Naturata or Biogros? You can find here the vacancies in our companies. All applications are welcome.

To ensure that the procedure works properly, we have compiled a few practical tips. Please read the information below before applying - either by post or online using the attached form.

If none of the current vacancies matches your interests, you can also apply voluntarily.

How to apply for a job

A relevant cover letter explaining the interest in our company is the essential part of your application.

Online application

To apply online, you can use the form provided for this purpose (see below). Simply fill in the form with your personal data and add additional documents. Send us your application by clicking on "Send". Please enter your most frequently used e-mail address so that we can contact you as soon as possible. We will try our best to send a reply to each applicant as far as possible.

Application by post

Of course, you can also, if you prefer, send us your application by post. Please send your application to one of the companies of the OIKOPOLIS Group:

Dépt. RH
13, rue Gabriel Lippmann
L-5365 Munsbach

Dépt. RH
13, rue Gabriel Lippmann
L-5365 Munsbach

Dépt. RH
13, rue Gabriel Lippmann
L-5365 Munsbach
Dépt. RH
13, rue Gabriel Lippmann
L-5365 Munsbach
The communication concerning your application will be done by e-mail, mail or telephone.

Please do not send your application directly to one of our NATURATA stores.